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   2023-11-20 转载网络820



is a that an old , when the sun out, she her 's , the girl . But when it , she for she her 's . tell her to his of view, when the it is fine, she ca dn feel her 's and when it , she can be her 's .

In that way, she will be a day. We can't the f , but w de can in way, so that we can be all the time.


: on the 网购利弊

随着互联网的发展和普及,网络购物在中国也变得越来越普遍了,甚至已经成了我们日常生活的一部分了;相信同学们身边一定有不少同学已经通过网络进行购物了,比如*****网,京东商城等;但是网络购物究竟有何利弊呢? 请写一篇短文,谈谈网上购物的好处与坏处。

提示词汇:网上购物 on the ( ) , 京东商城

,we talk and of on the . Some that it is very easy for us to go . The on ,for , are open for 24 a day, so we can buy we want at any time if we like. What's more, we 't to wait for a long time.

, that we can only see the on the and can not or see them, It is to say it is good or bad. We will have more when the are not good. , it is not a good news for some they in the with .


has his . A to make ; a ; a to more and . And

, one be his is well or not. If it is, one has to plan and work hard for its . , and are all . And very , one has to get help from , and in one form or .

My is to a . It is said that the of is a well-paid , but I take it as a with ’s . To my I have on work to the to a . Ijm sure^^. (156 )


人人都有理想。商人的理想是赚取更大的利润;农民希望获得更大 的丰收;学生则争取学得、更好。每个人都为实现理想多多少少付 出了努力。

然而,人们应该想想自己的理想是否建立在扎实的基础上。如果是, 那么人们就必须为实现理想而做出计划、辛勤工作。努力、技巧和恒心 都是必备要素。人们还常常需要从别人身上获得帮助,包括各种形式的 建议和支持。

我的理想是成为一名医生。医师是一个薪水不错的职业,而我则视 之为一个治病救人的高尚职业。为了实现我的理想英语话题作文,我必须集中精力于 实验室的工作,从而培养作为一名合格医师所必备的分析技巧。若能持 之以恒,我相信我能实现自己的理想。


At , a of have up a bad - in . to my , are the . , are too much , some of them are too . , some do not work hard in life. When the come, they to . , some of them too much time in or the , so they don't have time to for the . , they want to get high in so that make and .


In my of view, in is such a bad that harm to . I is one of the most of a . , hard- is the only way to get high in . Last, I and more time to for self-.




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